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Monthly Archives: August 2023

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Symptoms of athlete’s foot and how to treat yourself

Advice on how to take care of patients with ” Athlete’s Foot ” in flood-affected areas or there is flooding. Which is considered a disease that people should not ignore. It should have knowledge and understanding. Of self-care in the right way to reduce the occurrence of serious complications to be

What are the symptoms of ovulation? How to take care of it?

What are the symptoms of ovulation? How to take care of it?

Disorders caused by the body’s response to foreign objects causing swelling, redness in the groin area of ​​both legs which is something that should not be overlooked If it is or is found to be having the symptoms mentioned above Should see a doctor for treatment immediately. We call this

"Bruise" caused by what and how to treat it?

“Bruise” caused by what and how to treat it?

plantar fasciitis,  known officially as plantar fasciitis or plantar fasciitis It is a disease that often causes pain in the heels and soles of the feet. when we walk with weight Some people may experience extreme pain in their heels after waking up. It is a disease that many people may